Academic Advising Services

We’re here for you. As you earn your online or evening degree, your University of Mary Student Success or Faculty Advisor will provide personalized, one-on-one assistance, ensuring you’ll always have someone to turn to when you need help or advice.

Whether you are an undergraduate student who hasn’t been in the classroom for a while or you’re on your way to earning a graduate degree—or you’re any other student learning online or in evening classes—your advisor can help you:

  • Connect to campus resources.
  • Select a course schedule that meets your degree requirements and personal needs.
  • Register for classes.
  • Add/drop courses.
  • Develop a manageable study schedule.
  • Plan to complete your degree on time.
  • Establish personal and academic goals.
  • Cope with academic stress.
  • Navigate roadblocks to academic success.

Our online student success advisors are:

How Our Student Success Advisors Can Help

In addition to providing every student with a faculty advisor, we also offer student success advisors, specifically committed to assisting online students.

If your advisor is unavailable or if you have an academic question or an issue of a more general nature, you can contact one of our student success advisors by emailing or calling an advisor directly.

How We’ll Assign Your Advisor

We assign every online and evening student at the University of Mary a Student Success Advisor or faculty advisor. All of our locations include advisors while our online students connect to advisors by phone or email. Work or live near one of our locations? You are always welcome to stop by!

How You’ll Connect With Your Advisor

As you prepare to start classes, your advisor will be in contact with you to assist with orientation and help prepare you for your first semester in your program. Throughout your program, your advisor will be available by phone, email, or at any of our locations. We know you’re busy, so our advisors will reach out to you with important information about your schedule and classes, allowing you to focus on what’s most important—your coursework.