To address the critical shortage of professionals trained with the necessary skills required to serve the Church, Fellowship of Catholic University Students (FOCUS) and the University of Mary have partnered to found the Institute for Catholic Philanthropy.
Institute for Catholic Philanthropy
Serve the Church You Love
If you have a desire to serve the Church as a professional, this program will prepare you to fill one of the many positions available across the country.
The Institute for Catholic Philanthropy offers:
- Three-course graduate-level Certificate in Catholic Philanthropy
- Catholic Philanthropy Concentration with our MBA
- Join us in Arizona for our Theology of Gift Conference!
We believe that professionals with a proper understanding of both the essentials of successful fundraising and the Catholic perspective on giving—including the Theology of Gift—will allow for the Church to serve the needs of our time more effectively and fruitfully, for the benefit of many souls and for the common good.
The Church desperately needs capable professionals – well formed and well prepared – in fundraising positions. Nearly every Catholic diocese and apostolate in this country is clamoring for people to hire. I’m grateful to see this partnership between FOCUS and the University of Mary come together, first because of my deep regard for both partners. Also, though, I sincerely hope that we can hire some of its graduates here in the Archdiocese of Denver.
FOCUS Alumni Scholarship
Through a unique partnership with FOCUS and the University of Mary, a special scholarship is available only for FOCUS alumni. FOCUS alumni who continue their education with the University of Mary are eligible for a scholarship of:
- $400 per semester for 5 semesters of graduate study; or
- $400 per semester for 8 semesters of non-traditional, undergraduate study
In addition to Catholic Philanthropy, the University of Mary offers many undergraduate, graduate, and certificate programs, all taught with the integration of Benedictine values. To learn more about qualifying programs, please contact our admissions representatives.
The Fellowship of Catholic University Students (FOCUS) invites college students into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church, inspiring and equipping them for a lifetime of Christ-centered evangelization, discipleship, and friendships in which they lead others to do the same. More than 20,000 students have been involved with FOCUS. FOCUS missionaries are typically recent college graduates who devote two or more years of their post-collegiate lives to reach out to peers on campus.