Newman Guide Seal 2023

Answer your call to apostolic mission by earning a Master of Arts in Catholic Studies: Apostolic Leadership from the University of Mary.

In the first Apostolic Age, Saint Paul urged his fellow Christian believers not to “be conformed to [their] age” but to “be transformed by the renewing of the mind” (Romans 12:2).

The University of Mary’s online Master of Arts in Catholic Studies: Apostolic Leadership will equip you for your unique role in this new apostolic age of the Church by attuning your mind to our historical moment's particular needs as well as the divine will for every human person in every era. You’ll encounter anew the truths of the Catholic faith and come to grasp your calling’s eternal significance in light of them as you prepare to carry out your ministry to the salvation of souls and the glory of God.

 Take the First Step

Get in touch with any questions or submit a simple application for admission.
After you're admitted to the university as a candidate for graduate studies, we will assist you every step of the way toward acceptance into your academic program so you can enroll and begin your classes!

At a Glance

1.36 Billion
Number of Roman Catholics worldwide

Program Length

24 months / 6 semesters / 36 credits



  • Online with one weeklong summer institute on our main campus in Bismarck, ND.
  • In-person on our main campus in Bismarck, ND

Tuition per Credit


Is This the Degree For Me?

Who It’s For

  • Catholic educators
  • Faith formation directors and catechists
  • Missionaries
  • Church music directors and musicians
  • Clergy
  • Counselors and spiritual directors
  • Catholic health care professionals
  • Catholic fundraisers, entrepreneurs, and business leaders
  • Anyone, whether a recent college graduate or an established professional, with a desire to advance the Kingdom of God through Christlike leadership in the service of Truth

Career Paths

  • Faculty member at a Catholic college or university
  • Director of a Catholic nonprofit organization
  • Parochial or diocesan lay leader
  • Any leadership role that requires advanced critical thinking and communication skills as well as a holistic understanding of the human person’s nature and purpose

What You’ll Learn

Your personal course of study in apostolic leadership will consist of the below three components:

  • A 27-credit core curriculum centered around the Church’s vision for both individual conversion and cultural renewal.
  • A nine-credit concentration offering focused formation in an application area of your choice.
  • An integrative capstone course that will provide you with essential tools for developing actionable strategies for apostolic mission.

Areas of Application

To align your course of study with the goals of your chosen form of apostolic activity, select a concentration from the following options: 

Program Details

Program Information

Please visit our catalog for admission requirements and a full list of our courses.

Your first step is to get in touch with any questions or submit the simple application for admission. After acceptance to the University as a candidate for graduate studies, we will assist you every step of the way toward acceptance into your academic program so you can enroll and begin your classes!

Get Started Today

Apply Online
