Education Degrees

A degree in education will put you in a position to advance the education field and elevate your career.

Bachelor's Degrees

Become an effective and compassionate teacher who helps students grow to their full potential. Your bachelor’s degree is the first step toward earning licensure.

MEd Degrees

Our Master’s in Education allows you to tailor your educational career to focus on your passion.

For North Dakota’s K-12 Educators: Complete your MEd with generous financial support through the Rural School Leadership Institute (RSLI) or the Teacher Leadership Academy (TLA).


Rise to the top of your profession with a doctorate of education. It’s the degree of choice for those who are (or want to become) upper-level administrators and other educational leaders. Take your career further.

Catholic Studies Concentration

Available as an additional specialization in any MEd or EdD degree at the University of Mary, our Catholic Studies concentration provides you with the skills you need to excel as a Catholic educator or in any other educational environment where in-depth knowledge of Catholic thought and doctrine is essential.

Education Credentials

We offer three education credential programs, with credentials issued by the North Dakota Department of Public Instruction, to expand your career and better serve your community.